Give us a call: 352-742-0583 or 1-888-783-4761
Your life is suddenly in turmoil and all that is important feels threatened. You may not be able to save the life you knew, but what should you do to preserve the life that remains ahead? How will you kids be handled and who is going to be making “big decisions” that will impact their lives? Are you going to be allowed to be the parent you aspire to be? An experienced Bushnell divorce attorney is the place to turn for good advice and guidance during this tumultuous time. You need to know what lies ahead and how major decisions will be made.
You once parented your children nonstop. Every minute was dedicated to their upbringing. Now you have heard your time with your own children will be limited to what someone else believes is in their best interest. How do you live with something called a “parenting plan,” and who will create this plan?
Divorce is no easy journey for many couples. It can be disruptive emotionally, professionally and socially, but most of all, it puts unfamiliar stress on a person’s life. Locating and retaining the best Bushnell divorce attorney to guide and represent you through this tangled process should bring confidence, not added stress. The divorce attorney you need is one with experience before a judge—the real front line of law—an attorney who is willing to understand and deliver your divorce or paternity case to the court.
As a married couple or parent, your future plans probably didn’t include divorce. That was yesterday, but today you need help—you need the best divorce lawyer you can find. One who will work closely with you and guide you throughout the process. Everyone desires a positive outcome for all. Couples usually want the best for their children. However, if parents cannot agree or compromise, a Judge will intervene and define the terms of a parenting plan. When this happens, it is too risky to stand with an experienced litigator at your side, confidently presenting your divorce or paternity case to the court.
Why not have the best child custody lawyer representing your best interests? There is, frankly, no explanation for leaving this important outcome to chance. Retain an attorney that is experienced in child custody law. Rohe Law has the child custody lawyers Sumter County parents have trusted for years. Parenting time is just one important aspect settled during a divorce; it will affect not only a parent-child relationship but also the amount of child support one will pay the other.
Your Rohe divorce lawyer will skillfully handle the allocation of your assets and debts. What was once owned together will be scheduled and divided, categorized as marital or non-marital possessions, assigned a current value, and distributed. During this often-emotional time, have the best family law and Bushnell divorce attorney oversee the division of your cash accounts, investment account, even your retirement accounts like IRAs or pensions. This is not the time to be wondering where your lawyer is, or how much experience they might have in this process. It is far more comforting to have a seasoned team of family law attorneys backed by qualified, experienced, and highly-skilled paralegals to handle things accurately. That is exactly the kind of group Attorney A.J. Rohe has formed at Rohe Law!
Address: 219 N Market St.
Bushnell, FL 33513
Phone Number: (352) 742-0583
Address: 219 North Market Street, Bushnell, Florida 33513
Phone Number: (352) 247-7077